thoughts and amusements

i wrtie this blog with everyone who travels,dines,shops,plays and loves anecdotes and ramblings .style and fashion are my muses.self confidence and ambition are my right.there will be ideas and imagination on the past present and future.

glorious cocktail dress from fashion museum in Barcelona.

glorious cocktail dress from fashion museum in Barcelona.
Why don't women dress like this anymore?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Recently saw the film " i am love". i am in love with it.the genius of film at its best.The set decoration and clothes were magnificant. The casting of actors impecable and the stroyline gripping and unique.
Having lived and worked in Milan, the cold character of the city was captured flawlessly.The langorous beauty of San Remo brought back memories of summer vacations, there.
Food brings the family and friends together.Eaing precious meals brings the lovers together.One can almost taste the flavors of dishes presented.
Style and substance is part of the enthalling storyline that moves one into the lives of the privelged class.Their foilbles and attitudes carefully make one react to the loneliness felt by some of the characters.
Tilda Swinton is flawless.I have never her seen her more beautiful.The final touching scene between her and her hosekeeper brought tears to my eyes and they scramble to pack and part company.
Brilliant work.Forever thought Italian in nature...

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