it get more curious when you see the worst looking clothes that people decide to wear style or finesse.a little effort can make the sometimes difficult airplane and train travel become a better experience.imagine a poorly dressed tourist trying to manuever around and european airport personnel aghast at the earth shoes ,grandpa's jeans and sweatshirt some people decide to wear.a better turnout in clothes gets one more respect for sure.
guess i am old fashioned but i like to arrive in style!
Thoughts and anecdotes from one who has travelled extensively throughout the world.I want to impart the respect and charisma one should possess in daily life.The desire and will to succeed in life and to maintain a high level of chracter,humor and insight into the daily grind that seems to envelope everyone these days.
thoughts and amusements
i wrtie this blog with everyone who travels,dines,shops,plays and loves anecdotes and ramblings .style and fashion are my muses.self confidence and ambition are my right.there will be ideas and imagination on the past present and future.
glorious cocktail dress from fashion museum in Barcelona.

Why don't women dress like this anymore?
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